Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Quick Update

Hey Jemples just a quick update in relation to the new layout of the blog posts. As some of you have probably noticed already on all the posts there is now a continue reading button, by clicking that you are redirected to a page where you're able to read the full post as well as commenting on each individual post, unlike before where you had to scroll down for ages to comment. Another change is that the home page now contains the full posts rather than what I was doing before which was quick posts redirecting you to the tab where the post was. To access the full posts via the homepage you just have to click the continue reading link like I explained before. And the final change is now underneath every post you'll see some labels these are basically informing you about which tab or tabs the post relates to. Also if you click on these labels you will be redirected to the tab in which that post is under and you'll not only be able to see that specific post but all the other posts that have also been posted underneath that tab, again to access the full posts and comment on individual posts click the continue reading button (please note that one post can be under more than 1 tab at a time). My personal tip to you guys would be to instead of clicking on the tabs at the top of the blog page access the tabs via the post labels as this will save you time scrolling down. You'll understand what I mean exactly when you play around yourself. Thank you.
Jemima x

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